Seeger, Laura Vaccaro. One Boy. Roaring Brook Press, 2008. 48 pages. Tr. $14.95. ISBN 978-1-59643-274-1.
Annotation: A young boy draws artwork in this clever counting book that plays with words within words.
Summary: Part counting book and part word concept book, Laura Vaccaro Seeger plays with words within words. Using die-cuts, new words are revealed or covered that relate to a word on the previous page. One young boy paints pictures using objects that increase by one with each painting. Numbers from one to ten appear on every other page. The paintings at first seem unrelated, but the end of the book reveals a connection when it shows that the pictures are all the artwork of the young boy.
Evaluation: With creative wordplay and precisely positioned die-cuts, this simple picture book is transformed into an artistic treat with the bright, eye-catching colors. Youngsters learning to count will benefit as will beginning readers who are learning new vocabulary words. Recommended for ages 2 to 7.
Genre / Subject: Juvenile Fiction, Counting, Imagination, Die-Cut, Art
Awards: 2009 Theodor Seuss Geisel Honor Award, 2009 ALA Notable Books for Children